How Can ScolioPilates help me?
Danielle has been studying a specialized format of Pilates called ScolioPilates created by Karena Thek. Danielle completed her Level 3 credentialing as a ScolioPilates Instructor in September 2023 and is currently working with Karena to provide an expansion of her continuing education offerings. Hopefully, in 2024, Danielle will also continue with Karena’s teacher training modules so that she can expand and share her scoliosis-specifica knowledge as it pertains to Pilates adaptations with Pilates instructors throughout Texas.
ScolioPilates is a method that aims to blend the movements and principles of Pilates as fluid, whole body movement with the medical and therapeutic requirements for individual with scoliosis.
ScolioPilates promotes exceptional neutral spine core stability with healthy muscle flexibility all in one. The use of reformer and tower with spring- based exercises are an ideal way to provide bone stimulation and, when combined with principles as taught in The Schroth Method, are an effective blend of activity that improve posture, strength, balance and muscle resilience
- Improves posture
- Improves deep core stability
- Improves sports performance
- Improves movement fluidity
- Improves breath and lung capacity
- Improves muscle flexibility
- Improves muscle strength
- Improves dynamic balance
- Improves coordination
- Improves mood + stress management
- Improves bone density
- Improves pelvic floor resilience
- Reduces back pain
- Easy on joints
If you’d like to schedule individual or group instruction for ScolioPilates, please call us at 512-629-4431 to schedule at either our north (Cedar Park) or South (Westlake) locations. If you are interested in group scoliosis-specific classes, you can also find a list of our class offerings at